14 March 2007

I ate the beach

Well yesterday was nice. It better had to be!
Worked for 4 days at some big hotshot's birthday party and my god was it hard.
We worked more or less 14 hours a day, didn't get payed enough, some people were really annoying and there was only one day of easy beer drinking afterwards.
So as a rewards our crew decided tot treat ourselves to some good for, in exchange for the long hours we made.
If you haven't got a special bite ( a dinner guide) better get one. The small restaurant where we sat down was the only one in Apeldoorn ( a town we got into, not to get stuck in traffic) where they recommended the food. And boy was it good.
It was such a relief to be able to sit down, drink wine, eat bouillabaisse and grand dessert and just be relaxed for a change. My bouillabaisse had all kinds of seafood on it, which I didn't know but most of the time just found on the beach, the selves that is :)
For those of you familiar with the dutch terms: kokkels and scheermesjes.
So it felt like I had eaten the entire beach. And it was great. Afterwards there was a lovely grand dessert and espresso. And the bill will be send to someone else :)
For them it is such a small amount, for me it made all the difference in the world.


Blogger Nooy said...

Man parents never cease to amaze me, especially your dad, internet obsessed as he is!!!
Ennuh, ik kna me dat restaurantje helemaal voorstellen! klinkt helmaal geweldig.. ennuh dat boekje.. zal ik eens in komen snuffelen.. staat het italiaanse restaurantje in Renkum daar ook in? (waar Joost werkt)
ennuh... maybe we should have a little party eind mei.. when I get back :) just for the heck of it!
laterz! (groetjes from down under!)

5:06 AM  

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