15 November 2007

What do you get?

What do you get when there is a freshly painted red fence around your house and the neighbour has a snow white cat?
We laughed our asses off.
And I still not sure my neighbour had noticed there are two rather red spots on the cat.
Since his cat has a pretty bad case of animal anthropomorphicus, (an animal as seen by human eyes) he attributes all kinds of human behavior, I am really looking forward to how he will call this one. We just called it plain stupid, or.. that is what you get from being a slut for hugs and attention.

13 November 2007


Well autumn is everywhere. Not just outside but in my head as well. I am not depressed or anything just well ending a year. And it is tiresome, but very rewarding.
Ending a year sounds very poetic, but actually all I do is take long walk, cook harty meals and sit on my couch covered in a blanket. Finally being able to let the quality of life sink in without all the stress and the must-do's. I do not need to do anything. And boy it feels good.
As a downside I have merely not kept in touch with anybody. Lots of phonecalls not answered, lots of people not seen. But this feels like extended me-time. I feel warm and heavy all over. Just like when you were a kid and you were way past your bedtime.
This year in the week of my birthday the leaves did fall from the trees unlike last year. So everything is back to normal again :) It is just a regular very happy autumn.