24 September 2007

Trash it!

I am soooo looking forward to being able to take all my graduation stuff to the trash!
I have piles and piles of paper and books that need to be taken back to the library.
No more articles flying through my living room, from the desk, to the couch, to the table. My cleaning program tells me that all this clutter that is around, is clutter of the soul as well. Oh and it is so much more. It still reminds me of all the things I do not understand or do not know. In stead of that it reminds me of what I have reached.
I just want to get rid of the clutter, physically as well as mentally.
Mentally might take a little bit longer, but one has to start somewhere...
It feels like my birthday will come up. Only 2 more nights and I can begin trashing everything :)

21 September 2007


I can't tell you how blessed I feel.
I think the best part about graduating is that you can invite all your friends and they are actually coming to your graduation. I feel blessed for all the trouble people go through to be there. One guy is working in Amsterdam for the entire week and he is coming back for me. Which is something we hardly ever do while working. I think it is very sweet. My best friend is coming from the Bahama's. He was already in the Netherlands, but it is sooo cool he can be there. My niece can actually attend, which she was happy about as well, since here practice has been taking a lot of time.
I am blessed my dad can be there. I think I am blessed that all so many of my friends and family can be there. It just reduces all the pain and tears graduating has cost me into merely nothing.

05 September 2007

Uber-cool light weight nerd

Hahaha on my 10 minutes before I get to work internetplaying time, I found this test.
But when they asked which one I would take, my book collection of my computer it was a hard one.. Ultimaltely they thought I was cool :) Nice

NerdTests.com says I'm an Uber Cool Light-Weight Nerd.  What are you?  Click here!