Today my tutor told me to start working on my graduation thesis.
Like.. working my ass off.. working.
Like.. not working for money.. working....
Like.. working so you can finish before september .. working.
He scared me...
He was completely right you know, but he scared me anyhow.
Furthermore, he is really nice. Liked what I had done so far, which is not a great deal.
Made it sound like writing a graduation thesis is more or less like swimming. You just float through. He didn't say: go with the flow... but he did say: just go where the story leads you.
And something about putting a white rabbit in a hat, then make it magically appear and that's science. So hail the philosophers for just floating around us...
But anyhow, he scared me. Not working for money.... it is not that I like the money.... I like the people I am working with. I need the money, but that's another story.
So I feel like I am bad. (because I can not spell the other word used in the title in any other helped me already with this one)
I want to work. I guess I'll just have to study twice as hard. And work anyhow. Or just in weekends. Or maybe just studying for 8 hours a day would do the trick. Because 45 minutes a day surely doesn't.
I got a phone call this afternoon. If I wanted to work on the
Lowlands festival again this year.
It's about a week before my deadline and I said yes.