28 May 2006


Well.... it seems like my new home is turning white again. And that is Real Nice.
It still smells a little, although I have hopes it will go away after painting.
The woman at the shop recommended some cleaning stuff which worked very very well in my opinion. So that was a relieve. We cleaned out the air filters, which was very gross.
And I painted the ceeling in my bed room. Today was supposed to be another day of painting, but that didn't work out because my cell phone, set as an alarm clock, decided that being on the charger doesn't stop you from turning yourself off... Reminded me of this comic:

Bloom county on Strong AI

Well this post was going somewhere until I got a phone call (lasted 50 minutes.... but at least someone is awake now). So now I do not really remember the point.
O I remember.... my new neighbour told me the last owner of my apartment well.... eh.... sold himself for 850 euros a day.... GROSS. I do not want to know what he did in MY apartment...
And I really do not want to know why it was so extremely filthy. Yuk

23 May 2006


Well, today my meeting with my tutor was very positive. I was finally able to explain why thing worked the way they worked. We deleted our deadline for next September, because it would be too quick. He was positive about my chapter I had written. Not too positive about the spelling though, but that's peanuts :D
I think I am most delighted with the fact he finally took some time, to talk everything through.
We sit there and chatted for an hour. That is the most time I had in like half a month.

moeilijke woorden

Terwijl ik nu midden in de nacht nog heel hard zit te lezen, moest ik toch twee woorden opzoeken:
repressieve ontsublimering en
Ze staan alletwee niet in de DvD, maar volgens een Duitse site betekent de laatste zoveel als een tegenreactie oproepend.
Het eerste woord had echter maar 4 google treffers. Ik denk dat het zoveel betekent als steeds verlangend naar de volgende kick. Maar zeker weten doe ik het niet....
Repressieve ontsublimering..... toch maar informatica moeten afmaken....

22 May 2006

Why don't you jump?

Well today after a two and a half week email silence, my tutor emailed me.
If I could show up tomorrow, and have written my next chapter.
Eh NO! I can show up. I'll rearrange my schedule, because otherwise we will not see each other for another two weeks. But No I haven't written anything.
Because the book is hard. And we haven't discussed my last two chapters yet. And no, because well a lot of reasons...
It feels like when he jumps, I should jump right with him. But I am ready to jump, but at least give me a two weeks notice. And why doesn't he jump at all?
I feel like a circus animal.

cars and their drivers

Yesterday was the second and the third time I noticed a car hitting something.
First time was in Januari, when someone near the rugby field raced his ass off and ended folded around a tree. This time me and Oscar were walking to his house when a little car came racing by. He tried to break, there was lots of smoke and finally he hit a little pole, since the road bended en he tried to go for the smaller road, which is only for bicycles. He inspected his car, and then drove off. The next thing you now is while lying in bed you hear someone racing and then a crash sound a a car alarm. Oke I guess enough is enough, especially when the truck for towing away his vehicle is running is engine for an hour. Not any hour: from 3.30 to 4.30 a.m. Please god. Why did these people have drivers licenses again?

19 May 2006


This is about people and knowing each other. It was taken from 2 phone calls to the same person.
First I was in a store picking out a stove/oven combination. Was wondering if a seperate stove and a microwave/oven combination would be just as handy, so I called a friend of mine asking how his micro/oven combi was working. He was very enthusiastic: It is great, you can use both at the same time, so your pizza will get warm on the inside as well as on the outside. And how much was it? Well about 1200 euro's.... I should have realized earlier on that this was definitely not the person to call asking for advice about kitchen things. Because he doesn't cook..... He uses microwaves... But kitchens are for other people. I should have known this.
Later on, different phone call, I said: but you of all people knows me.... And then his mindboggling answer came: No.. knowing you is like taking a course which you just do not get. You practise on old exams just as long till you know enough answer not to completely fail. But I still do not get the course. Well that was an eye opener for me... So no one ever gets you.
But on the other hand. I do feel sometimes, I even fail my own exams.....

Making plans

Today finally came to me how much I need to do in the next couple of weeks.
First I have decorate my new home and with decorate I mean: CLEAN the damn place , because the last owner thought cleaning was a no go and he smoked.... it's freaking orange,
then paint and the put in some laminaat (floor stuff). Well it sounds like it may take some time. and I guess it will.
Next to that I have to study. haven't seen my tutor in three weeks because he didn't respond to my email, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't finish the book before the next time I see him.
And then finally I let myself took on a lot of work. It was just so great working again, and since studying was priority nr 1, I found myself going to the Bon Jovi concert and to another two days at the musicals. Thank god I was smart enough to do the other weeklong job after my planned moving in to the new home.
In between I only need to make a couple of phone calls to let all the bills go to my roommate...
(I foresee a lot of phonecalls.....) and getting all my stuff in boxes and moving it....
well..... And I guess my own attitude is certainly not helping. Started cleaning out the place yesterday, finished after half an hour because I was bored.... I am just the worst housemaid ever. Talked to my new neighbour instead.... We agreed to do a bbq on our huge balcony.
So I guess that is my point for today: Stop making plans and finally start doing something.
(But I guess making plans keeps you alive....)

16 May 2006

Back to normal

And while we are back to normal....
deadline on thursday I read this quote on Meike's blog:

Just think, if your name was "Studying", I could be doing you on my bed right now.

You just have to love this. At least I do :D

But I am still listening to Invincible on the Boondock Saints soundtrack.

Musicals in Ahoy

Well this was a very long, very exhausting but very fun very lovable and maybe even the best week ever.
Went to work in Ahoy for a Musical event. Worked there for a week. With some people I like very very much. They are my best colleagues ever. Slept for like 4 hours a night. Drank shiploads of beer. ( a gallon max... auch) Worked my ass off, the first 5 days. just walked around hanging around for the last two. But I learned so much. About every one of you. About me. About work.
And I can drink milk again. It doesn't give me headaches anymore. (And I guess it helps keep the hangovers away. Cause I only had one.... very bad one.... but only one)
Sometimes it is just hard to explain how you feel. I guess very very happy.

04 May 2006

I like this test

On Meike's blog I found this test. I guess we had the same outcome, but hey. that's what family is for. Just for the record. I liked this outcome, so I am gonna post this one.
And not the one which said I was secretive, strange, sarcastic and weird.....
Oh and there was another one... which I thought was positive as well :D

What type of Fae are you?

Find your Celestial Choir

Bye bye hobo's

After a good night of sleep (NOT), some heavy stress (why did my tutor cancelled on me 90 minutes before the appointment? Some one came to clean the outside of his house and he had to be there. Well I guess that is at least as important as talking about philosophy. Oh wait... no sarcasm... it is!) and some heavy thinking (thank god for my roommate: we think you're stupid if you do not take this chance) I decided:

I am gonna move! Back to campus. Back to the trees! Back to the fields of green!
Have got to get rid of half of my stuff. But bye bye hobo's bye bye bricks bye bye city!

03 May 2006

Living where...?

Today I was offered a small appartment on campus. I live in the city and my roommate is going to move away and i can not afford it by myself. I was looking for a new space per august.
But I chatted a little with the woman behind the counter and all of a sudden she offered me an appartment. Exactly where I wanted. Went to take a look. It's a lot smaller then the one I have now. But there are trees. I do not know if all my stuff fits in. But there is a balcony.
I liked it. I want to move away. But my boyfriend did not exactly felt the same way.
For some reason he completely disagreed. Felt like a relationship crisis to me.
I still do not know exactly why he was so cranky and upset. But for all I know it has made me pretty upset as well. And sad. I have to decide tomorrow. And now I do not really know what to do anymore. Besides being sad.

01 May 2006


Keith Richards fell out of a palm tree. And he had a concussion.
When I first heard it I began to laugh. It is a silly story.
But then I wondered, how can one diagnose a concussion in someone severly brain damaged by drug use. I have seen some interviews and to me it seems all he could do anymore was play guitar.
But that's my humble opinion. I do love Keith by the way, and I think getting a concussion falling out of a palm tree is way better than most ways normal people get concussions. Like hitting your head on a bike rack ceiling...