23 July 2006

2 Cents on the world.

I guess this picture says it all.
Or at least how power is divided....

And it tells us a lot on how to manipulate opinions with well chosen infographics.

18 July 2006


Was surfing the wonderful wonderful world wide web. And I found a site completely dedicated to the FSM. The Flying Spaghetti Monster. It's and anti creationism site. Since.... if we could we have been created by a God.... why not by a FSM. You can find the site here:
But i thought the most stunning piece of evidence they had was this delicious little piece of statistic:

And why shouldn't it be convincing....

17 July 2006

Vewy vewy cute

Just because I thought this was the nicest picture ever...

13 July 2006

Lemon Spaghetti

I found a recipe for lemon spaghetti. It looked alright. But I do not have a clue of how it will taste.
Last time I made some sort of pasta, with some fresh pasta from the grocery store it turned out to be horrible. So now I am actually postphoning going to the stores to pick up the necessary ingredients. I guess I will be in a hury in about 40 minutes... but for now... because I am just not sure... I am still not going...
Furthermore I discovered that being a woman isn't all bad, except when you want to get beer.
They sell them 24 bottles at a time in a crate( is that the right word?). And for some reason I am just pure danger with that thing on my bike back home...
So I guess I need a man to do that for me... I felt pretty independed till now...


This night I woke up scared to death. I had a nightmare like I haven't had them since I was a child.
I was in a car and a dead body, some dangerous criminal fell on me. After I had gotten out of the car I was attacked by a woman who wanted to stay here, but was afraid someone might hurt her children, so she almost strangled me. I can still see her face.
I lay awake for almost an hour and heard the rooster anouncing a new day.
Haven't heard that in years. It was a weird night. I guess it might have been the stress and the subconscious worrying about Oscar. He was hit by a car while being on a bicycle vacation on his own in Luxembourg. So we went to get him the day before. And although he was alright, just a scratch, it was still weird.
For the better. We had a small campfire on my balcony and it was really nice... and.... we went running... and I can run for a little over a mile. I have never ever done that :D

07 July 2006

Devil's sunglasses

I bought a new pair of sunglasses. Ofcourse I had lost my other pair somewhere, but I almost had them for a year.. so I guess that gives them the right to disappear. I liked them though, I called them my porn glasses. Just because they actually looked that way.
For now I have bought a new pair which is almost as cool as the other one.
It has got flames on the side. I am a true sucker for flames.
And it has got a little skull on each site. Like that as well. But the flames did the selling for me.
Today I saw them lying around in my kitchen and I noticed the designers really had made a point for designing "bad sunglasses". Aside from the skull, the flames and the really black glasses....
They is a little 666 engraved in it. Guess the devil has lost his pair as well....

06 July 2006


A couple of people think I am somehow involved with a friend of mine.
I am not. I still love my boyfriend very much. So sometimes it get's a little bit anoying, when another ignorant bleep comes around saying: Oh I thought you were his girlfriend... Well I am not!
This time it was a person I may have seen one time before... and I was too flabbergasted to give him a witty answer. In stead I send my friend over, a couple of days later, to ask why he thought we were involved. The ignorant guy didn't really know, but the person next to him did:
Well because you're both crazy as a doorknob.
I think that is finally the recognition I deserve :D

05 July 2006

Lovely trailer

Today was a very gender mixed day. I got very irrational during the entire day, because I was soo tired. And hung over... especially the last. But then again I helped getting a washing machine up the stairs (3!!). Well I did not lift it up the stairs, But I did have it in my hands and lifted it and moved it around. I was even complimented with the strength in my hands.
I bought a girly magazine and enjoyed almost every letter of it... while watching with half an eye the soccer match between Germany and Italy. I listened to it and watched all the exiting moments. And then I got moved again by all the crying Germans. I have never seen Germans cry.... A real lump in my throat.
It reminded me of the English guys I have worked with yesterday at the UB40 concert.
"I have a german friend. He actually has a sense of humor, so we call him the anti-german".
And I loved the word "lovely" he used whenever we had another stack of flightcases in the trailer. I had never heard the word lovely and trailer in one sentence before.
So I guess everybody was a bit mixed up today and last night. I just hope i do not wake up tomorrow morning a girly girl... I kinda like the mixed...

02 July 2006


My boyfriend is going away for two and a half weeks. He is going on a cycling vacation all by himself. That's fine with me. I would have wanted to go along, but with my back hurting, it did not seem as a brilliant plan. But I am going to miss him so much. I am always scared things are gonna happen. But now it is soo much worse. I know I am blowing this way out of proportion, but him all alone in some foreign country.... It does not seem as the best idea to me.
Some friends say there is nothing to worry about, some friends understand me being scared.
Fortunately I am going working tonight. I will see him tomorrow morning before he leaves.
And I hope I will be soo tired I can easily sleep after that.
I don't know. I just love him so much.

01 July 2006


A couple days ago I ran into a butterfly. Well not ran into but saw one on the side of the road.
I was very thrilled to see butterflies because I haven't seen them around in ages. Strangly yesterday I saw a website where you could report a butterfly spotting.
So they coud keep track of the animals living around us.
I loved the idea, I wanted to join them but then I realize I don't know anything about butterflies.
This one was a black and white one an not really large, but not really small either.
So I guess I am not of much help to the website.. bummer...

I Feel like....

When I came from the physical therapist I could not do anything other then laugh.
I had told him honoustly I didn't do my exercises for two days and my back didn't hurt as much.
He looked at me very very puzzled. The he started feeling and bending all the joints in my body and said: yeah... hyper....
Since I have had a very long lasting , but strictly professional, relationship with my physical therapist, I know hyper ment.... you are way too flexible in your joints.. it's a miracle you're still in one piece... but thank god it isn't something really serious cause this thing we know how to fix it.

This therapist was a new one though, he gave me the 'oh my god, you're not normal' look as well.
But then he said. Well I guess we were on the wrong track. We mobilized you're joints, while they now are over mobilized... so that hurts.... Now we are going to stabilize them.
From mobilisation to stabilisation.
For some how I feel like the American army in Iraq.